Networking and Distributed Systems
Autonomic Computing
Content-Centric Networking
Declarative Networking
Delay Tolerant Networking
Distributed Hashtables
Epidemic and Gossip Protocols
Eventual Consistency
Fault Detection/Management
Messaging Middleware
Military/Tactical Networks
Mobile Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks
Network Management
Parallel Computing
- The Revolution Inside the Box (CACM 2008)
- Multi-core processors in changing both hardware and software in radical ways.
- Maximizing Power Efficiency with Asymmetric Multicore Systems (CACM 2009)
- Optimizing scheduling of CPU intensive and parallel, memory intensive processes across high speed, high power and low speed, low power asymmetric multicores
- Scalable Synchronous Queues (CACM 2009)
- Presents two algorithms for lock free synchronous queues, since adopted for thread scheduling in Java 6. Synchronous queues pair producers with consumers, synchronizing their activities and eliminating the need for a work product buffer.
- Transactional Memory (CACM 2008)
- Providing similar kinds of guarantees for shared memory as standard transactional DBs.
Peer to Peer
Publish/Subscribe pubsub
- The Many Faces of Publish/Subscribe (ACM CS 2003)
- Looks at several variants of pub/sub (e.g. topic, content, type) as well as similar schemes (e.g. RPC) and looks at how they enable decoupling participants in time/space/synchronization
- Disseminating Information to Mobile Clients Using Publish–Subscribe (IEEE IC 2004)
- Overviews the Rebeca pub/sub system, which incorporates several mechanisms to support mobile users, including filter aggregation, reliable and persistent delivery, and several levels of QoS policies
- An Ontology-Based Publish/Subscribe System (Middleware 2004)
- Uses a simple homed graph pattern matching scheme on central registrar to compare pubs to subs; no use of inference
- Semantic Email Addressing (IEEE IC 2009)
- Sending emails to queries over Semantic Web data which database resolves to sets of users.
- A Survey of Application Level Multicast Techniques (CC 2004)
- Overviews several systems for multicast overlay networks.
- Towards an Internet-Scale XML Dissemination Service (VLDB 2004)
- Tree of XML routers for content distribution, in-network data reduction.
- PastryStrings: A Comprehensive Content-Based Publish/Subscribe DHT Network (ICDCS 2006)
- Overviews a scheme for string and numeric comparisons over a DHT.
- Scribe: The Design of a Large-Scale Event Notification Infrastructure (NGC 2001)
- A relatively straightforward multicast DHT topic-based pub/sub system.
- Publish/Subscribe on Top of DHT Using RETE Algorithm (FIS 2010)
- Natural scheme to distribute Rete network over a DHT, with particular application to pub/sub.
- Building Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems with Distributed Hash Tables (DISP2PC 2003)
- Morphs content-based pub/sub into topic-based pub/sub over DHT by applying templates extracting indexing features.
- Application-Level Multicast Using Content-Addressable Networks (NGC 2001)
- Uses CAN to provide group communications.
- OMG Data-Distribution Service: Architectural Overview (DCSW 2003)
- Overviews the OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS).
- SelectCast: A Scalable and Self-Repairing Multicast Overlay Routing Facility (WSSRS 2003)
- Multicast overlay protocol.
- Tree Pattern Aggregation for Scalable XML Data Dissemination (VLDB 2002)
- Filters described using tree patterns, a subset of XPath
- Publish-Subscribe Tree Maintenance over a DHT (DEBS 2005)
- Using DHT to mitigate pub/sub disruptions.
- Astrolabe: A Robust and Scalable Technology for Distributed System Monitoring, Management, and Data Mining (TCS 2003)
- About system management, but really about widescale data collection.
- Willow: DHT, Aggregation, and Publish/Subscribe in One Protocol (WPPS 2004)
- A Routing Scheme for Content-Based Networking (INFOCOM 2004)
- Pub/sub routing scheme combining broadcast tree with interest tree.
- Forwarding in a Content-Based Network (SIGCOMM 2003)
- Structures for efficient matching of messages and queries.
Sensor Networks
Software Defined Networks
Web Services/Service Discovery
Zero Configuration Networking