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Cai-WWW 2004










Cai-WWW 2004

RDFPeers: A Scalable Distributed {RDF} Repository Based on a Structured Peer-to-peer Network

Cai and Frank

rdf semanticweb p2p query search triple store

  title={RDFPeers: A Scalable Distributed {RDF} Repository Based
         on a Structured Peer-to-peer Network},
  author={Cai, M. and Frank, M.},
  booktitle={13th International Conference on the World Wide Web},

Attempts to provide a distributed RDF triple store in a scalable fashion

Takes each triple and stores it at three hosts

  • Each determined by hashing subject, object, predicate respectively
    • URIs and string literals are SHA1 hashed to determine key
    • Locality preserving hash is applied to literal numbers

Uses MAAN---Multi-Attribute Addressable Network---to spread triples

  • Extension to Chord to allow multiple keys
  • Total messages is O(M log n) to store triple
    • N nodes, M attributes (always 3 in RDFPEER)

Querying is done in obvious way given spreading to three nodes (hashes of sub, obj, pred respectively)

Edutella and successors are very related work

  • But based around flooding and super peers, with some routing based on fixed, known schemas

Triples are replicated on neighbors in case of node failure

Popularity is a significant problem in this scheme

  • E.g., rdf:type predicates will be plentiful, to say the least
  • RDFPeers manages this by tracking how frequent a predicate value is and simply ceasing to index based on it once a threshold is crossed
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