An Evaluation of Triple-Store Technologies for Large Data Stores
Rohloff, Dean, Emmons, Ryder, Sumner
rdf semantic web triple store evaluation query
title={An Evaluation of Triple-Store Technologies for Large Data Stores},
author={Rohloff, K. and Dean, M. and Emmons, I. and
Ryder, D. and Sumner, J.},
booktitle={On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: OTM 2007 Workshops},
Looks at Sesame, Jena, and Allegro in working with large datasets
Primarily LUBM datasets, mentions University Ontology Benchmark
Metrics: Load time, repository size, response time
- Cumulative load time: How long to long data and ontologies (hours!)
- Query response time: Mean of execution time over four identical queries
- Completeness: Complete iff returns all correct responses
- Soundness: Sound iff only returns correct responses
- Disk-Space usage: Amount of disk space used to load data and ontologies
Multiple styles of query used
- Low volume, low complexity (Lehigh query 1)
- High volume, low complexity (Lehigh query 2)
- High complexity (Lehigh query 9)
- High volume: Large portion of data returned in result set
- Complexity: Substantial processing time required
Queries manually ported for different input languages