Expressiveness and Complexity of XML Schema
Martens, Neven, Schwentick, Bex
title={Expressiveness and Complexity of XML Schema},
author={Martens, W. and Neven, F. and Schwentick, T. and Bex, G.J.},
journal={{ACM} Transactions on Database Systems ({TODS})},
DTDs correlates to local tree languages
XML Scheme, like Relax NG, adds a type language
- Including different types to the same element name
Relax NG correlates to unranked regular tree languages
XML Schema Element Declarations Consistent (EDC) constraint
- Prohibits two different types associated with some element name in same content model
XML Schema between DTDs and general tree automata
Very few practical schemas actually utilize expressiveness going beyond DTDs
- Only 15% do so
- Of that 15%, vast majority use simplest form of typing, based solely on parent context
XML Schema language is too complex for users to get more out of it?
Goal: 1-pass preorder typing---determine type of an element when opening tag is met
- XML Schema EDC and unique particular attribution constraints ensure this, but are not minimal necessary conditions
Regular expression associated with element name is its content model