Policy-Agile Encrypted Networks via Secure Function Computation
Krishnan and Sundaram
content-centric networking security cryptography encryption
title={Policy-Agile Encrypted Networks via Secure Function Computation},
author={Krishnan, R. and Sundaram, R.},
booktitle={{IEEE} Military Communications Conference ({MILCOM})},
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Recent developments in cryptography in the areas of secure multi-party function computation and homomorphic encryption enable new policy-agile encrypted networking capabilities. By applying algorithms that can securely perform encrypted operations on encrypted data without decryption of either, context- and content-aware decisions can be performed (or policy rules applied) within a new advanced “black core” network while preserving confidentiality of the mission context and content. We discuss three application areas—with applicability to defense, law enforcement, intelligence community, and commercial networks, especially when resource sharing and collaboration across multiple organizations must occur over out-sourced third party infrastructures—that are enabled.
Survey paper of potential applications of novel encryption schemes to enabling secure forwarding decision making
- Not a lot of actual proposals, mostly basic speculation, but good references