Characterising Score Distributions in Dice Games
Isaksen, Holmgaard, Togelius, Nealen
dice randomization probability closeness
author={Aaron Isaksen and Christoffer Holmg{\aa}rd and
Julian Togelius and Andy Nealen},
title={Characterising Score Distributions in Dice Games},
journal={Game and Puzzle Design Journal},
Qualitatively works through impact on closeness and predictability of various combinations of numbers of dice, number of dice faces, and tiebreaker rules.
Looks at:
- Expected closeness
- Win bias
- Tie percentage
Closeness and tie percentage decrease with the number of faces
Closeness decreases with the number of dice
Sorting the dice tends to decrease closeness, while unsorted pairs increases ties
Arbitrary tiebreaker creates a win bias
Can tradeoff rolling fewer dice versus one side rolling a few higher sided dice to balance tie percentage versus win bias