Implementation Results of Bloom Filters for String Matching
Attig, Dharmapurikar, Lockwood
bloom filters fpga intrusion detection deep packet inspection string matching
title={Implementation Results of {Bloom} Filters for String Matching},
author={Attig, M. and Dharmapurikar, S. and Lockwood, J.},
booktitle={{IEEE} Symposium on Field-Programmable
Custom Computing Machines ({FCCM})},
Implements a fast signature matching mechanism in hardware for network intrusion detection
- Built in a single FPGA, which watches network traffic
- Periodically receives updates on new signatures from software controller
- If any matches are detected, message is sent to software controller
Multiple Bloom filters are used in parallel to scan for signatures between 2 and 26 bytes long
- This is enough to cover most unique strings in the SNORT rules
- Each filter uses a 16,384 bit vector (2048 bytes)
- Reduces false positive rate to 0.0039, permits 1419 signatures at optimal rate
- With 25 filters (2 to 26 byte signatures), can scan for 35475 signatures at optimal false positive rate
Second stage does a precise check, ensuring no false positives
- Not exactly clear how it efficiently determines what exactly to check against
- Though it clearly knows the index & length that potentially matched