There were a number of serious problems on Wednesday’s ride, so I wanted to remind everyone of some rules in case you find yourself on a “Drexel ride”—as completely opposed to simply a Drexel ride (*)—and sometimes referred to as an “exploratory ride.”
- Maps, GPS devices, smartphones, and other navigational implements are strictly forbidden, as is following a known or marked route for any significant distance. [20 demerits]
- Doubling back on the route is discouraged unless you’re doing repeats or crazy loop sequencing of hill or non-paved features. [1 demerit per mile].
- Radioactive Man must be held in your left pocket! [2 demerits]
- All Radioactive Man attacks must happen from the left and never in traffic or on downhills! [2 demerits]
- You can only ride on the VF bike path if you’re TTTing, coming home after 35+ miles, or doing it for the irony of it. [1 demerit]
- You cannot come home through Manayunk without hitting Port Royal, Green Lane, the Wall, or the towpath. [1 demerit]
- Generally being a bike mechanical disaster. [1 demerit]
Current demerits tracking for the 2011–2012 year now begun following Labor Day:
- Tim: 2 demerits (Radioactive Man pocket infraction)
- Charles: 1 demerit (doubling back)
- Joe: 1 demerit (skipping Manayunk features)
- Brett H: 1 demerit (mechanical disaster; one and counting…)
(*) The rules for which are only that helmets are always required.