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Barabasi-Science 1999











Barabasi-Science 1999

Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks

Barabasi and Albert

networks scaling scale-free small-world graph theory structure

  title={Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks},
  author={Barab{\'a}si, A.L. and Albert, R.},

Vertex degree of many real world, large networks follow a scale-free power law distribution

The basic mechanism resulting in this structure has two components:

  • New nodes are continuously added to the network
  • New nodes prefer to attach to already well connected nodes

Power law vertex degree distribution

  • The probability P(k) that a vertex is connected to k other vertices follows $P(k) ~ k^-\lambda$
  • Many real world networks may be shown to have a lambda of 2--4

Erdos and Renyi (ER) random graph models do not produce this effect

  • Constructed by starting with N vertices and connecting each vertex pair with probability p
  • Clustering coefficient is low
  • Vertex degree follows a Poisson distribution $P(k) = e^-\lambda * \lambda^k/k!$
    • Lambda is $N * combinations(N-1, k) * p^k * (1-p)^(N-1-k)$

Watts and Strogatz small world graph models also differ

  • Constructed from a ring lattice, with each node connected to K/2 neighbors to each side; then, for each edge on one side of each node, with probability \beta remove that edge and connect the node to a different node chosen at random
  • Low average path length
  • High clustering coefficient
  • Probability of finding a vertex of degree k decreases exponentially with k

Two key assumptions common to both models

  • Fixed number of nodes
  • Uniform probability of connecting or reconnecting to another node

Neither of these holds for many real networks of interest

  • Nodes are continually added
  • Nodes most likely wind up connected to nodes already well connected
  • Taking away either continuous growth or preferential attachment results in a network that does not have a stationary, power law distribution of degree

Construction proceeds as follows:

  • Start with m_0 nodes
  • At each time step, add a new vertex with m <= m_0 edges
  • Probability of connecting to node of degree k is its degree over the sum total degrees in the network ($p(k_i) = k_i / \sum_j k_j$)
  • After t time steps, network will have m_0 + t nodes and mt edgese
  • \lambda will be 2.9 +/- 0.1
  • Power law distribution is independent of time, and therefore system size
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